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Introduction to SeaTalk Bot

What is a SeaTalk Bot?

A SeaTalk Bot, developed on the SeaTalk Open Platform, functions similarly to a regular user with the ability to send and receive messages in both private and group chats.

Common Use Cases:

  • System Alerts: Immediate notifications about system issues, keeping teams informed and ready to respond.
  • Progress Updates: Integration with task management tools (like Jira and Space) to track and share updates on project milestones.
  • Instant Support: Providing users with immediate answers to their inquiries, improving the user experience.
  • Event Reminders: Sending reminders for scheduled events, meetings, and to-dos, ensuring nothing gets missed.

These examples are just the tip of the iceberg, with many more potential applications waiting to be discovered and utilized.

How to Create a Bot?

To start creating your own bot, visit the SeaTalk Open Platform (SOP) portal on the desktop where you'll find detailed instructions and resources to guide you through the process. Embrace the power of bots and redefine the efficiency of your workplace today.

Updated 14 May, 2024

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