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Account & Security
FAQ | Can I use the same SeaTalk account from multiple devices?
FAQ | What's the difference between SeaTalk software version and web version?
FAQ | How can I install the Mac/PC version SeaTalk?
FAQ | Can I sign in to SeaTalk Web on two different devices at the same time?
FAQ | How to login to SeaTalk Web? How to scan a QR code?
FAQ | Why QR code didn't work? Nothing happens after I scan the QR code and click log in
FAQ| Why does the SeaTalk Web kick me out every morning and I need to log in again?
FAQ | What should I do if I change my phone number?
FAQ | What can I do if I forgot my security passcode?
FAQ | What should I do if there's a "unusual login activity" of my account?
FAQ | Can I join other companies without using my company email?
FAQ | I'm not receiving the verification SMS
FAQ | How to join my company on SeaTalk?
FAQ | I cannot read QR code
FAQ | What should I do if I forgot my password?
FAQ | How to update SeaTalk?
FAQ | How can I delete my SeaTalk account?
FAQ | How do I add new contacts or invite friends to SeaTalk?
FAQ | I sent a "Add Contact" to a user while there's no contact requests in my list. Why?
FAQ | Why is my contact list empty? Why does SeaTalk not help me add all my team members automatically?
FAQ | How to add contact outside of my organization?
FAQ | How to allow people to find me?
FAQ | Where to find my organization QR code?
FAQ | Why I cannot see some colleagues' exact last seen time?
FAQ | What is the meaning of the blue/green check symbols near each chat bubble?
FAQ | Why I can only preview images in SeaTalk? When I click on it, it shows "Image Unavailable".
FAQ | Can other people in my conversation see my translated sentences?
FAQ | Where can I set up translation language in SeaTalk?
FAQ | How can I stop group members from adding or removing people in my group?
FAQ | I bought a new phone, why is my chat history gone after I log in to my new phone?
FAQ | What should I do if I send inappropriate message?
FAQ | What kind of message can I send in Whisper Mode?
FAQ | What is "Whisper Mode"?
FAQ | How to add my own stickers?
FAQ | Why is my chat history missing?
FAQ | How do I check my SeaTalk version?
Notification & Privacy
FAQ | Where can I turn off notification from SeaTalk?
FAQ | How can I manage my “Last Seen" status visibility?
FAQ | Why don't I get notifications?
Personal Profile
FAQ | Can I update my HR information on mobile?
FAQ | How can I change the language?
FAQ | App does not start or crashes
FAQ | How can I stop the “An update is ready to install” pop up on Mac?
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