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Organise your chat-list with chat labels

SeaTalk makes it simple to manage your chats with handy labels. Use our default labels or create your own to manage your chats efficiently.

How to View Your Labels

You have two easy ways to view your labels:


  • Horizontal Bar: Find it at the top of your chat-list.

  • Drawer: Swipe from the left edge of the home screen or tap the icon on the left side of the horizontal bar to open it.


  •   Horizontal Bar: Find it at the top of your chat-list.

  • Sidebar: Click the "Show sidebar" icon on the left side of the horizontal bar or press Cmd + Shift + G.

Default Labels

Designed to help you prioritise important chats effortlessly, the default labels include:

  • Unread Chats: See all your unread chats at a glance.
  • Mentioned Chats: Quickly find unread chats where you’re mentioned with "@You". Chats with "@All" are not included.
  • For Later: See all your messages marked for later.
  • Private Chats: Keep all your private chats separate.

Custom Labels

You can create up to 15 custom labels to categorise your chats into different groups. Feel free to name them however you like - only you will see these labels.

Create a Custom Label

  • Open the “Manage Labels” page by tapping the “Settings” icon at the top-right of the chat label drawer on Mobile, or the chat label sidebar on Desktop.

  • Click “Create” at the top-right corner.

  • Name your label and add any chats from your chat list.
  • By default, the label will appear in your chat list. To hide it, toggle off “Show This Label in Chat List”.

Reorder your Labels

You can reorder both default and custom labels.

  • Open the “Manage Labels” page.
  • Drag and drop labels by holding the left side of each label bar.

Edit or Delete a Custom Label

  • Open the “Manage Labels” page.
  • Click on the label you want to edit or delete.

Set Labels from Chat-list


  • Open the action menu for a chat in your chat-list.
  • Click “Set Labels”.

  • Update labels by selecting or deselecting them, or create a new label.
  • Click “Done” at the top-right corner to save your changes.


  • Open the action menu for a chat in your chat-list.
  • Hover over on the "Set Labels".

  • Update labels by selecting or deselecting them, or create a new label. Your changes will take effect immediately.

View Label Details & Set Labels from Chatroom

  • Open the “Chat Details" page of a chat.
  • Click “Labels".

  • Update labels by selecting or deselecting them, or create a new label.
  • Click “Done” at the top-right corner to save your changes.
Updated 06 Aug, 2024

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